文章來源: 賭球為生2008-08-24 11:54:13

(悉尼奧運會閉幕式)IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch declared at the Sydney Closing Ceremony,

I am proud and happy to proclaim that you have presented to the world the best Olympic Games ever.


by President Dr. Jacques Rogge of the IOC, in which he described the Athens Olympics as unforgettable, dream Games.

(亞特蘭大奧運會閉幕式,盡管出現爆炸案,及種種問題,仍然用了most exceptional)

Aside from the problems, IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch said in his closing speech, Well done, Atlanta and called the Games the most exceptional. This broke precedent for Samaranch, who had traditionally labeled each Games the best Olympics ever at each closing ceremony, a practice he resumed at the subsequent Games in Sydney in 2000.[7]
