我家後院 (2)-- Spring 2009
文章來源: 心怡廚房2009-05-10 06:31:00
紫丁香, 香氣沁人心脾, 在sunroom後麵 Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

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另一種"dogwood", 在房子的右後角
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Lily of the valley, 在房子的左牆角, 車道旁
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灌木叢, 花開時如大團大團的白雪, sunroom側麵
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滿天星, 覆蓋前院的stonewall
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這小東西在幹什麽, 幫我家LD剪草?
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"No, no. I like your Black Eye Susan too"
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