[人在他鄉]Michael Flatley’s Lord of Dance
文章來源: 小曾2009-05-08 11:10:32

起先朋友把演出的flyer給我看時,我還傻乎乎地以為是音樂歌舞劇呢。朋友說他們前些日子去紐約看百老匯類似的演出要五六十刀,而這場演出在我們這小城 最便宜的票才十二元。俺這愛貪便宜的當然不肯舍棄機會,二話沒說就訂了票。

演出那天,俺套上新買的小禮服(148刀折到18刀),腳蹬AK的不變應萬變的尖頭鞋,拽著俺家二寶直奔小城的音樂廳去也。第一幕看下來,俺發現這不是irsh’s folk dance嗎。俺一愛爾蘭同事的女兒酷愛此舞,曾經在公司的國際節表演過,俺很喜歡裏麵歡樂明快的節奏。坐旁邊的女友也說她九十年代中期剛到密國時,就知道Michael Flatley的大名,那時他如雷貫耳,演出非常暢銷。俺這時才有機會看演出的節目單掃盲:

Michael Flatleys name is synonymous with the wave of Celtic dance mania that began sweeping the world in the mid-1990s and has continued to grow steadily ever since. He is the  American-born dance pioneer who created Lord of the Dance - the most popular touring dance production in history. The youngest son of Irish parents who immigrated to the U.S.  After WWII, Flatley spent much of his childhood in their native Ireland, where he developed an affinity for the traditional form of Celtic dance. It is this form of dance that Flatley combined with ultramodern techniques and a synergistic blend of other styles to create Loard of the Dance.
