文章來源: b_jing2008-02-27 11:52:30
直到愛荷華州初選後I realized that I need to look into it. I visited Macain, Hillary & Obama's website. 從那我確信民主黨兩個候選人的全民保險計劃將改變美國現狀. 經濟學家PAUL KRUGMAN 有一篇文章談保險. 如果您有興趣,您可以看一下http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/04/opinion/04krugman.html?em&ex=1203829200&en=b30204db1e0f7cac&ei=5070

I just finished Alan Greenspan's book : The Age of Turbulence. He reviewed the past 5 presidents fiscal policy. I wish the coming elected presiden is a one who can cut spending. That's another reason I don't trust Obama in his policy statement.

我的丈夫fan奧巴馬. 每次他向我提到奧巴馬贏得了另一州. He made me believe that奧巴馬的人民運動將讓他進入白宮。For希拉蕊我有越來越多的挫敗感。可悲的是她的丈夫不能幫助她。他的名字已經造成負麵影響.遺憾地看到媒體操縱選舉...