Roma Downey- The Old Man
文章來源: YearRound2007-09-03 12:38:25

深信天使與你相伴, 這首Roma Downey 的頌給父親的詩卻仍讓我淚漣漣。。

The Old Man     

The tears have all been shed now 泣如雨下,

We've said our last goodbyes 我們作了最後的道別
His soul's been blessed 他的靈魂得到保佑
He's laid to rest 他的軀體得到安息
And it's now I feel alone 卻給我留下無盡的孤寂

He was more than just my father 他不僅是我的父親
My teacher, my best friend 他還是我的師長和朋友
And he'll still be heard 我獨自吟唱著那首我們共同擁有的歌
In the songs we shared 那裏我仍能聽到他的心聲
When I play them on my own

And I never will forget him 我永遠不會忘記
For he made me what I am 是他塑造了我,
Though he may be gone 盡管他已離去
Memories linger on, 記憶卻不曾抹去
And I miss him, the old man 我想念他, 那個可愛的老頭

As a child he'd take me walking 兒時隨他遠行
By mountain, field and stream 翻過高山, 穿過田野和小溪
And he'd show me things 他給我看的那些寶貝, 是我們倆的共有秘密
Not known to kings 
A secret between him and me

Like the colors on a pheasant 是他教我欣賞那晨起的錦雞的斑斕,
As he rises in the dawn 享受垂釣的歡愉,
Or how to fish or make a wish  還有驗證那神仙樹邊祈願的靈驗
Beside a fairy tree

I thought he'd live forever 本以為, 他會長命百歲
He seemed so big and strong 他看來是那麽健壯和魁偉
But the minutes fly 但時光流年,對父親和他的孩子是那麽的無情
And the years roll by 
For a father and his little one

And suddenly when it happened 頃刻之間, 還是發生了,
There was so much left unsaid 留下太多的話還沒來得及說
No second chance 沒有第二次機會, 再也沒有機會
To tell him  thanks 對他所做的一切說聲謝謝
For everything he'd done

And I never will forget him 永遠不會忘記他,
For he made me what I am 是他造就了我
Though he may be gone 盡管他已遠去
Memories linger on 記憶卻永存
God, I miss him, the old man, 天,  我是那麽想念他, 那個可愛的老頭