文章來源: 郝大夫2007-09-20 06:53:03


I am having pain with the back teeth at the roots. It has been going on for a while. When I brush my teeth, whever the water is a little colder or hotter,my back teeth hurt. I felt it was from gum edges.
I once had x-ray and was told that i have severe bone loss and should have root cleaning. I did it once only with the back teeth. I also use mouthwash for a while. However, my friend told me mouthwash is not good so I stopped and use salty water instead. Now my gums look pretty healthy and no bleeding at all when brushing teeth. However, I am afraid the root nerves were exposed and probably caused the frequent pain. The pain started after I did the root cleaning.
Does anyone have the same experience or know what is going on? Does it mean it is pretty serious and what should I do?
Thank you very much!




1. 牙體病多由齲壞,牙體畸型,隱裂,外傷,各種牙體上的改變,而讓牙髓受到物理化學刺激而發生炎症,典型的牙髓病征就是冷熱刺激痛(即吃過冷過熱食品時牙痛)

2. 牙周病多是由牙周組織在結石。細菌的作用下,牙周的軟組織連接受到破壞,牙槽骨吸收,牙周袋形成,繼而牙鬆動脫落,有時感染通過牙體上的微管進入牙髓,而引起牙髓炎,牙就會出現冷熱刺激痛。


現在你需要看醫生,確定是這個牙的話,牙不鬆動且有保留價值的話,要根據情況先作 ROOT CANAL, 再作根部清潔,說不定還要上冠加固。不馬上看醫生,可能很快會痛得不可忍受,並誘發根部炎症,麵部腫痛。
