文章來源: 2005-05-08 21:36:25
這首歌,從你2002年7月31號離開紐約之後,我就再也沒聽過. 這首歌,是我們相遇時候的歌. 雖然我是跳舞的,但我從來不會跳交誼舞, 你就這樣, 在這個曲裏,你緩緩抱著我,要我的腳跟著你動,要我的身體跟著你動,你說"Trust me", 我就真的用了一輩子相信了你... 這首歌, 是我們分別時候的歌. 那晚的舞廳仿佛是為我們挑選的音樂, 我們在狂勁的DISCO樂中爭吵, 我要奪路而走,你伸出巨臂把我全身圈住,把我定在舞池的欄杆上, 你說"Never leave me like this"...這首歌就這樣流了出來, 你抱著我,就這樣,我們定定在站在舞池當中,互相不敢彼此的眼睛... 這首歌, 是我們重逢時候的歌. 坐在曼哈頓豪華的餐廳裏, 我們無語. 背景輕輕滑出這首歌,你跟著輕聲地哼, 你對上前來幫我們換盤子的侍者說"This is our song"... 你的左手腕係著一根紅繩, 我的左手腕係著一根紅繩... 這首歌, 你走了以後,我今天第一次聽, 趁著沒人打攪,我要放肆地想想你, 想想我們的過去, 想想你的堅強和脆弱, 想想你說話的ACCENT... 如今,你原不原諒我, 我已經無所謂了...真的無所謂了... no i can't forget this evening and your face when you were leaving but i guess that's just the way the story goes you always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows, yes, it shows no, i can't forget tomorrow when i think about my sorrow i had you there, then i let you go and now it only fair that i should let you know what you should know i can't live if living is without you i can't give i can't give anymore i can't live if living is without you i can't give i can't give anymore