文章來源: 西門燒雪2008-05-09 03:00:27
盲流, 無家可歸, 露宿街頭, 說得好聽點, 就是流浪,
塗鴉, 胡說八道, 說得好聽點, 就是激揚文字,
好色, 說得好聽點, 就是風流.
土氣, 說得好聽點, 就是樸質無華,
崇洋迷外, 說得好聽點, 就是與時俱進.

出國之後, 我才發現, 自己的思想, 有多落伍.

以前, 我總相信, 地上本沒有路, 走的人多了, 也就成了路.
到了國外, 我才知道, 原來路, 是用推土機推出來滴.
我想走自己的路, 可我買不起推土機.

Chantal Kreviazuk All I Can Do

When you\'re on your own
When you\'re at a fork in the road
You don\'t know which way to go
There\'s too many signs and arrows
You haven\'t laughed in a while
When you can\'t even fake a smile
When you feel ashamed
The uniform don\'t make you brave


All I can do is love you to pieces
Give you a shoulder to cry when you need it
When the day is long and the night is coming down on you
All I can do
All I can do
All I can do

When you forget your name
the pleasure can\'t disguise your pain
and you don\'t feel the same
I won\'t forget the love you made


All I can do is love you to pieces
Give you a shoulder to cry when you need it
When the day is long and the night is coming down on you
All I can do
All I can do
All I can do

What a lovely day to shape your dreams
And you don\'t even have to sleep
You can make it what you want to be
You can fly away
You can change your name
Have a happy face
It can be so real


All I can do is love you to pieces
Give you a shoulder to cry when you need it
When the day is long and the night is coming down on you
All I can do
All I can do
All I can do
It\'s all that I can do