xiaohu 同學等citibank cardholders
文章來源: 鞋跟掉了2008-09-29 20:41:51
收到Marriott Vacation Club的invitation. 參加一個大約40分鍾的酒店度假介紹會,就可以得到$200 Takashimaya Shopping Voucher or 2 Days/1 Night stay at the Rize-Carlton, Millenia Singapore.
Terms & Conditions: if single, a monthly income must be $7500 or more. If married, a combined (husband and wife) monthly income must be $7500 or more. Did not attend the preview in the last 2 years. 因為我今年二月份剛剛參加過(我用voucher買的是一雙鞋子),所以不可以。浪費了很可惜。如果有哪位同學感興趣,請聯絡。