Some comments about MER/BAC deal, FED Rate cut, and GS ER
文章來源: wavePlayer2008-09-15 08:14:38
MER/BAC deal is very unusual, it seem some tricky thing inside.

I can not believe that BAC can offer $29 to buy MER. And MER try to suvive and not sure it can make it or not. It had bad book even worse than LEH. I think MER worth only $10 at most. I don't believe this deal could go through. Why BAC buy MER at full price? It could get deep discount. let's wait and see.

FED may cut rate tomorrow to boost liquidity. But don't laugh too early. If FED did cut rate, that means the things goes really bad.

GS could have some trouble on ER or outlook. Chart says that. Watch out.

( GS report ER tomorrow before market open.)

Take care.