文章來源: wavePlayer2008-06-28 09:04:58

1. 昨天的抄底牛股貼更適合有經驗的,aggressive trader. 對於新手,和不善短線交易的不推薦入場,還是持款觀望更好。因為市場的跌勢還沒走完,反彈隨時會終止。

2. 對準備入場的,做好功課,準備好退路再入市。Dow, S&P and Naz 還在下降趨勢 中,這隻是技術反彈,如同火中取栗,屬於高風險的交易,切記。

3. 雖說藝高人膽大,high risk, high return, 但還是要做好風險控製。做到low risk, high return, 那就是你的功夫所在。

Great General always has retreat plan in the case of defeat. That's why they can fight even they are losing. That's why they always win the war even they lose in a few battles.

Good luck.