How to find a good daycare center or preschool?
文章來源: FW19912007-08-05 11:19:49

How to find a good daycare center or preschool?

2007-08-05 11:19:49

All daycare centers and private schools compete with each other. That's why their facilities look so fancy. However, as a mother of three and a teacher, I would focus more on teacher's attitude and overall atmosphere. It's not only about what you see. The most important part is how you feel about it. You should be able to "feel it “if it's really a good one and trust your instinct.

I have visited many daycare centers in my area, and have friends who send their children to those centers. It depends on which one you go and which teacher your child has. A good teacher can make a big difference in your child's life, so does a poor teacher.

While taking a tour at a daycare center, please pay attention to the following things.
1. Are the children well behaved and under control?
2. Do most of the children look happy?
3. Is everything in the school well organized?
4. Is the atmosphere in the school positive and encouraging?
5. Are the teachers friendly and encouraging?
6. Are the teachers good role models for the children?
7. Do all other school staff take time to answer questions and are they friendly?