What did I do when my son woke up at night?
文章來源: FW19912007-08-05 11:17:03

What did I do when my son woke up at night?

2007-08-05 11:17:03

My two daughters are wonderful sleepers at night. But my dear son is not before he turned 2 years old. He woke up 2 or 3 times per night and cried for mommy. I have done a research and found many boys were like this. Honestly speaking,there is very little you can do at this point. He can't help waking up at midnight. He might not feel secure and wants to be held. Or he might have gas and needs to be burped.Or there might be other reasons. If he wakes up, he of course wants attention from you or daddy. Find something that can soothe him and keep it handy. You may leave it in his crib or give it to him when he wakes up. My son loved to drink soy milk. Whenever he sucked on the sippy cup, he seemed to be quiet and comfortable. I alwyas had three cups ready at night. I usually picked him up to burp him if he woke up. Then laid him down and gave him the cup. He usually sucked his cup to sleep. Most of boys are fine after 2 or 2 1/2 years old. However, it can last a long time if he sleeps with you or in your room. Try to keep him in his own bedroom will help break this habit sooner.