唱完 《童話》中文,唱英文。漢譯英
文章來源: 李唐2008-11-17 12:04:06

《童話》 光良

忘了有多久                                    I don't remember
再沒聽到你                                    It's been for how long 
對我說你最愛的故事                     Without hearing your favorite tale

我想了很久                                    I  thought it over
我開始慌了                                   Started to flurry
是不是我又做錯了什麽                 Anything I did has hurt your feelings

你哭著對我說                               You told me all in tears
童話裏都是騙人的                       Fairy tales are all full of lies
我不可能是你的王子                   To be your prince  I should have no chance

也許你不會懂                               You may not comprehend
從你說愛我以後                           Since you said that you loved me
我的天空星星都亮了                    High up the sky all stars are in shine 

我願變成童話裏                           I want to be the angel
你愛的那個天使                           In the fairy tale you love
張開雙手變成翅膀守護你             Open my arms and turn to wings warding you

你要相信                                       It is your faith
相信我們會像童話故事裏             Your faith to make the fariy tale coming true
幸福和快樂是結局                       All will be happy and joyful
                       Together until the last scene