May2000: 從見習生到被PREMATCH住院醫生--我的經曆
文章來源: 力刀2008-03-10 20:27:31
May2000: 從見習生到被PREMATCH住院醫生--我的經曆

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May2000: 從見習生到被PREMATCH住院醫生--我的經曆

發信人: May2000 (May), 信區: MedicalCareer
標 題: 分享Observership經驗及其他
發信站: BBS (Sat Mar 8 18:48:10 2008)

這篇分享主要寫給象我這樣no phd, no paper,not very high scores, aim at
community hospital 的old CMG 普羅大眾作為參考,希望對以後參加Match 的XDJM 有

去年2月剛考完CK,打電話到家附近的一所community hospital 的 Volunteer
Department. 那老太太也實話實說:All our observers are brought by the
attendings. We need research assistants and interpreter…當時就想,反正先去

Research programs 非常簡單,就是收集數據。多數時間在做翻譯。現在回頭來看,做
是在Observe,學習communication skills的最直接方式。有時見到有特殊體征,他會
Program and PD的情況,如何survive residency…Clinic的 medical director每周有

到7月請求medical director給我出推薦信他很爽快地答應了。10月底這個Program的
Chair 直接約見interview, 寒喧兩句,一個問題也沒問就說 We know you pretty well,
so I’ve kept a position for you…prematch 在10分鍾之內敲定,簡單得我不敢相信。

中途4,5月時出於學習的目的,我又申請到另外一家教學醫院做Observership. 開始聯
係時也說Put me in the waiting list. 後來我登門去,說我可以同時當翻譯,他們可
去,做的時間越久越好。這次是到病房,跟一個resident team. Floor attending 比
較nice, 後來也給我出了推薦信。

我感覺observeship一來是熟悉US clinical system,更重要的是build up connection.

下麵是我了解到的NY地區一些community hospital的情況,未必很準確,僅供各位參考。

Maimonides, Brookly.
Most patients are Jewish. Some Chinese and other immigrants. Nice area in
IM: very good program with a lot of in house fellowship. But they like young
graduates. More than half of the residents are Indian.
Ped: Not as competitive as IM. Some old CMGs found positions.
Ob/gyn: extremely busy with 6000 deliveries a year. 4 positions a year. Will
consider old IMGs if you have Ob experience before.

Lutheran, Brookyn.
Area OK. “聯合國醫院”,病人有歐洲人,西語裔,華裔,中東人,少量黑人。
Housing is not offered.
IM:22positions, 20 prematch. They prefer less than 5 years. PD are nice,
often has lunch together with the residents. No in house fellowship. The 2
positions for match are never matched. If you think you are at high risk of
scramble, I will suggest you send your CV to the PC now, by mail not by e-
PM: very CMG friendly because they have some excellent CMG residents before.
Most of the residents are Asian but just a few Indians. They don’t care
graduation year. Teaching so so.
Ob/gyn: extremely stressful with 5000 deliveries a year. 3 positions a year
. PD is obsessive about <5 years.

Flushing hospital, Queens.
Located near Chinese community. They prefer < 5 years but will consider
those who have appropriate experience. Ob has 3 positions with about 2200
deliveries per year. Good teaching.

Kingsbrook Jewish, Brooklyn.
位於黑人區。City hospital. High salary but very busy. Teaching so so. IM
program interviews a lot of candidates. They ask medical questions at
interview. No in house fellowship.

St Vincent, Manhattan. This is a university hospital.
Good location. They offer housing but quite expensive, 1300/month for a
IM: Prefer < 5 years.
Ob: PD is very nice. Not very busy. They will consider old CMG with ob

後CMG 有能力跟老印搶地盤。祝參加MATCH的朋友們好運心想事成!


attending 是很喜歡的。看見他在看病人之間有空閑時間就問些問題,病例討論,或者

Medical director 懷疑是統計不夠全。恰好我們的research program 也在收集這個數
據,他就叫我和另外一個volunteer爭取用三天時間核對一下。由於有些需要pull out
the patients’ charts, 所以一次不能拿太多,否則會影響臨床工作。我們就自己動
appreciate your good job!

有一段時間比較空閑,Medical director 安排我把報告單一一放到病曆本中去。這可
們清了不少。我呢趁機減了幾磅 .皆大歡喜。

I believe, our dedication will be rewarded some day.

I applied for Match 2007, but very late in November 2006. I took CK in Feb
2007, so nobaby invited me for interview. Then I had enough time for OB and
preparing for Match 2008. This program\\\\\\\'s chair interviewed me in Oct 2007.
Actually I stayed in that clinic for about 2 months. later I switched to
another hospital to do OB. Then I got a full time job from June 07. We have
to earn some money...

I wish you guys don\\\\\\\'t have to waste time like me.

BTW, for those who are preparing for scramble, NEVER pay money to the
companies for e-mails and fax. Useless! Many programs set up software to
block these junk e-mails. If not, the PC will delete this e-mails directly.
And do you think the PC is patient enough to keep loading paper into the fax
machine?? 這是我07年3月的血淚教訓啊!

請的時候,不再向我開始的時候那樣走了很多彎路。相信很多朋友都有不錯的IV offer
在central time zone,過幾個月就move到east time zone了。區長就不敢當了,這裏的

Howard University Hospital:

有時候發音不準讓人以為是Harvard,Just kidding!
這個大學是在美國非常出名的Black University.所以這個醫院的患者90%都是黑人患者
來自非洲,估計connection很重要。offer prematch.

重複問題。問題都是最常見的,tell me about yourself, strength, your goal,
your challenge...感覺還是很輕鬆的。

最後一句話這是個absolutely IMG friendly program.

※ 來源:·WWW 海外: .com 中國: .cn·[FROM: 96.250.]