永遠的舞者:派確克.史威奇 [Patrick Swayze]
文章來源: 偶燈斯陋2009-09-14 22:31:06

派確克.史威奇 (Patrick Swayze, 8.18.1952----9.14.2009)

Patrick Swayze

Patrick Swayze dancing with wife Lisa Nieme (1994)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y0TWOttkVo [<------務請點擊觀賞。謝謝。]

Patrick and Lisa

Patrick Swayze1

Dirty Dancing (1987)

Road House (1989)

Ghost (1990)

派確克 史威奇與癌症搏鬥不到兩年,便不治身亡。人生的路程剛剛走過五十七年。他給我們留下的美奐絕倫的舞藝,和各具特性的銀幕形象,將在人們心間同我們永在 (his memory will be carried with us till our dying day, that is--or even pass on to the next generations, through modern technology) 。


Jennifer Grey [簡妮佛 葛瑞] , "Dirty Dancing" co-star 
recalls, "When I think of him, I think of being in his  arms when we were kids, dancing, practising the lift in the freezing lake, having a blast doing this tiny little movie we thought no one would ever see. (He was a) real cowboy with a tender heart... it was not surprising to me that the war he waged on his cancer was so courageous and dignified.
 Patrick was a rare and beautiful combination of raw masculinity and amazing grace. My heart goes out to his wife and childhood sweetheart, Lisa Niemi, to his mum, Patsy, and to the rest of their family."


Demi Moore [蒂蜜 摩爾], "Ghost" co-star, has now spoken out about the sad news, taking to her Twitter.com blog to quote the pair's characters from the hit film. She writes, "Patrick you are loved by so many and your light will forever shine in all of our lives. In the words of Sam to Molly. 'It's amazing Molly. The love inside, you take it with you.' I will miss you."


Whoopi Goldberg [霧匹 苟伯格], "Ghost" co-star, says, "Patrick was a really good man,  a funny man and one to whom I owe much that I can't ever repay. I believe in 'Ghost's' message, so he'll always be near."  Goldberg insists she has only fond memories of their time together - and she credits Swayze with helping her win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in "Ghost." She recalls, "The camera would be on me and he'd be off to the side and he'd moon me! It was the greatest. Because of Patrick Swayze, I got that movie 'Ghost.' Because of Patrick Swayze, I have an Oscar." 


Keanu Reeves [齊亞努 李佛思], "Point Break" co-star,  has paid a touching tribute to his POINT BREAK co-star Patrick Swayze, dubbing the late screen star a "beautiful person". The pair faced off as undercover cop and surfing bankrobber in the cult 1991 action adventure, and Reeves has fond memories of the time he spent with the actor. He says, "He was a beautiful person, an artist... He just wanted to experience life. I can say what I know that he lived life to the fullest. My sympathies and condolences go out to his friends and family."

For more information, see

在派確克 史威奇不幸逝世的消息傳來之後,世界各地的派確克粉絲們紛紛登陸此網頁,在該網站的"Book of Condolence" 留言簽到,寄托哀思。從俄羅斯,到津巴布韋;從意大利,到愛爾蘭,從新西蘭,到田納西的納什維爾,從巴塞羅那,到維吉尼亞,...... 24小時內已有八千多人(8810), 可以說是絡繹不絕,哀思綿綿。