a new round of cold war
來源: 偶燈斯陋 於 08-04-08 09:38:08 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話] 回答: 奧巴馬,希拉裏都在指責中國的西藏和蘇丹政策 由 study 於 2008-04-08 09:24:31
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am disappointed in her. And I just sent a message to her telling her so (as a response to her calling for more donation for her campaign). Olympics is not a political game and should not be played as such. On the other hand, with Bush's rotten reputation, Beijing doesn't lose much if Bush is absent. As for CNN, I have stopped watching it since last year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The email message I sent:
Hi, Mrs Clinton,
I am very disappointed to learn about your stance against Beijing Olympic Game. I think it's quite immature to politicize a non-political event such as Olympic Game that advocates peace and understanding among world peoples. I don't know whether you would actually listen to what I say, but that's what I think.
O. |