【Unconditional (Love)】by 笑看世界
文章來源: 得了吧2011-04-21 21:21:48

專輯英文名: Unconditional (Love)
藝術家: Marc Enfroy
製作: 2002
風格: New Age
發行時間: 2011年


Loving others as loving yourself is the first and most important step you can take to enhance your personal well-being and increase the measure of love you receive from God and you can give out unconditionally. These beautiful soundscapes by award-winning composer Marc Enfroy were carefully composed to create a warm atmosphere perfect for focusing loving energy on yourself. Exquisitely produced by renowned new age duo, 2002, connect with all the goodness inside you as beautiful serenades of tender piano, pristine strings, heavenly choirs, sweet flutes and enchanting bells flood your heart with self love, wellness and peace.
Love like a child.
Love without limits.
Love all in a way that's completely..


01. A Good Heart (05:29)
02. Uniqueness (04:42)
03. Unconditional (05:17)
04. A Beautiful Soul (05:18)
05. A Positive Spirit (04:29)
06. Peacefulness (04:59)
07. Confidence (03:59)
08. Safe and Secure (04:21)
09. Admiration (04:22)
10. Reaching Authenticity (04:19)