文章來源: 宋德利利2007-11-05 20:47:45

Former Australian prisoner to buy his cell


MELBOURNE (Reuters) - A former Australian prisoner liked his jail cell so much he has decided to buy it.


Graeme Alford, who spent several years in Melbourne's former Pentridge prison for embezzlement and armed robbery in the 1970s, will buy his old cell, number 43, as part of a commercial redevelopment of the jail, local media reported on Wednesday.



“Graeme Alford, who”,二者本來是非限定性定語從句與核心詞的關係。因為核心詞Graeme Alford後麵的修飾語過多,不如把這種關係改成“主謂結構”,然後再慢條斯理地去說後麵的事情,這樣處理讀起來顯得自然通順。

Pentridge, one of Australia's most notorious prisons and site of the country's last hanging, is being redeveloped into a wine block that will eventually house A$50 million (22 million pounds) worth of rare wines.



one of Australia's most notorious prisons and site of the country's last hanging,本來是主語“彭特裏奇”監獄的同位語。現在把這二者關係改變成主謂關係“彭特裏奇是”,而其中的and,本來和one of Australia's most notorious prisons是並列關係,一般翻譯成“和”即可,這裏卻分開兩句說成“也是”,讀起來顯得更通暢。此外,last hanging中的last本意是最後一個,隻剩下的一個,用個文詞就是“碩果僅存”。is being redeveloped into a wine block,本可翻譯成“重新開發成一酒品一條街”,現在把“重新開發成”改成兩部分,以遞進的形式出現,讀起來更自然。

Alford was a barrister whose love of gambling and drinking left him in debt to bookmakers and led him to steal from trust funds and use a sawn-off shotgun in a failed bank robbery.



Barrister,在英國有資格出席高等法庭的律師,不是被告聘用的一般辯護律師。此外,這句話的核心詞就是前麵四個詞Alford was a barrister,如果不像原句那樣有一個定語從句,本來已經是一個句意完整的簡單句,因而很容易翻譯。但是現在有一個很長的定語從句,就像在一個簡單句的尾巴上打了一個大結。漢語中不習慣這種造句法,因此可以把這個結解開,並把原來的定語從句關聯詞whose改稱連詞“由於”,使定語從句變成前麵簡單句的延伸,使整個句子讀起來像一條小溪,不支不岔,一直向前方緩緩流去。

After leaving prison in 1980, Alford turned his life around, swearing off the drink, writing books and starting a career as a motivational speaker. He will sign the sale contract for his old prison cell on Wednesday night, said Australian Associated Press.
