2014 感恩節家庭晚餐
文章來源: suezi-q2014-12-01 21:07:48
2014 感恩節家庭晚餐

2013感恩節在泰國過的, 今年也是剛回家不久, 就做了植牙手術, 嘴裏一串縫線, 又是止痛藥, 又是消炎藥的, 本不想烤火雞過節, 可孩子們都回家過節, 還都帶了朋友們來家裏, LG說就簡單點吧, 烤個火雞算一葷, 加個沙拉就一素, 再來個澱粉類的, 甜點就買個pie吧.

可是兒子一定會問, “where is the gravy, where is the cranberry sauce, where is the yam???” 女兒以前不是很在意吃的, 有蛋炒飯就高興了, 現在也會說, 哪裏哪裏吃了什麽好吃的, 一年一次的感恩節就是拚出老命也得上啊. 不過今年還是偷懶不少.

這是2012 Thanksgiving Dinner Party:

Starters/Appetizers/snacks, 開胃小吃, 零食, 都是買的現成的:

1) Cheese Platter: sausages, pate, smoked salmon, crackers, cheeses, olives, etc.

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2) Salad, 沙拉,

Arugula, fresh mozzarella cheese, heirloom cherry tomatoes, 野芝麻菜,小番茄, 鮮奶酪,

醬: white balsamic vinegar(白葡萄醋), 初榨橄欖油,鹽,胡椒, Agave。

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3) 主菜 – 烤火雞, Spice brined, herb-roasted turkey

20 LB fresh all nature turkey

Brine solution:
2 cups of sea salt, 2 cups of brown sugar,
Spices: Bay leaves, sage, thyme, black peppercorn, all spice berries,
3-4 gallons of cold water.

Brined for 24 hours in fridge - 火雞在香料鹽水裏泡上24小時,

Air dried in fridge for another 24 hours - 鹽水裏取出火雞, 裏外擦幹後, 放烤盤架上, 敞開, 放冰箱, 24小時風幹,

在腹腔裏塞了蘋果, 洋蔥, 迷香迭, sage, 芹菜, 歐芹茛, 外麵抹上黃油, 從火雞胸脯用手把皮肉分開, 肉上麵也抹上黃油,

烤盆底下還放了洋蔥, 大蒜, 迷香迭, 百裏香, 芹菜, 胡蘿卜, 還有 1罐雞湯在烤盤裏, 這些東西烤完後用來做gravy.

火雞胸脯朝上, 烤盆放在烤箱最低層, 先在預熱450F烤箱烤30分鍾, 烤箱改到 350F 烤3-4小時, 中間幾次把烤盤裏的汁淋在雞胸脯上, 用溫度計在雞脯最厚部位測有160F就取出, 1小時後再切塊裝盤上桌吃. 開了烤箱風扇烤的.

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剛出爐, 皮還是鼓鼓的,

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配菜, Sides:

4) Mashed potatoes, 土豆泥 - 用Costco的做土豆泥的粉:

4杯雞湯燒開, 加入一包土豆粉, 拌入1杯heavy cream, 1 stick of butter, 鹽, 白胡椒粉.

5) Sausage stuffing:

用了Italian sweet sausage, onion, celery, crimini mushrooms, dried cranberries,

先炒香臘腸, 加onion, celery, garlic, salt, pepper, 炒熟, 加sage, thyme, mushroom, cranberry, chicken broth, onion soup mix, 拌入幹麵包碎裏,倒入抹了黃油的烤盤裏, 進烤箱350F先蓋著烤20分鍾, 再開蓋烤10分鍾.

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6) Roasted carrots and parsnips, 烤胡籮卜 拌1/4杯EV橄欖油, ¼ cup maple syrup, cumin seeds, salt, pepper進烤箱425F烤30分鍾, 翻翻動, 再烤10分鍾.

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7) Brussel sprouts with bacon - 培根包蘭

培根熬出油, 取出, 留少量油, 放入包蘭, 蒜, 雞湯,蓋鍋燒至軟, 加入鹽和胡椒, 盛盤後撒上脆培根,

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8) Roasted yam with brown sugar and butter

地瓜, 紅糖,黃油, 紅薯先用鹽水泡洗過, 425F 烤整紅薯, 約30分鍾, 切開, 放紅糖, 黃油, 再烤10分鍾烤至金黃.

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9) Gravy:

火雞內髒和脖子熬的湯, 加上烤火雞盆裏留下來的烤過的蔬菜和雞湯汁, 過瀝到一個小湯鍋裏, 油撇掉, 在爐頭上加熱濃縮, 加入黃油, 最後用澱粉勾欠.

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10) Cranberry sauce, 蔓越莓醬: 1 LB新鮮的蔓越莓,1杯糖, 檸檬和橙子各1個的汁和皮屑, 1支桂皮, 一起煮透後, 加2勺桂花. 進冰箱冷卻.

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Desserts: Cheesecake,

同事的媽媽的方子, 她說隻要她媽做這個甜點, 其他東西就都不用吃了.

很簡單的材料和方法, 我把它放這裏:

Sam’s Mom’s Cheesecake:

Ingredients: (make sure everything is in room temperature)

12 oz Cream cheese,
2 eggs
¾ cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 sm sour cream (8 oz)


Mix until smooth and pour into graham cracker crust (2 cup of graham cracker with 1 stick of melted butter)

Bake 15-20 minutes at 350F.
Let cool 5 minutes

1 c sour cream
3 ½ tbsp. sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Mix thoroughly, spread evenly over cheese cake. Bake in oven for 10 min at 350F

Let it set in refrigerator for 5 hours

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兒子吃完就說, This is what Thanksgiving is all about!
