和諧的夜晚 (11/04/2008 Chicago)
文章來源: chicago802008-11-11 22:44:55
第一次半夜三更在芝加哥市區晃悠。夜間馬路上的光線(WB)很掌握,現在理解文化人整黑白的道理了. 選舉不就是“壞人”堆裏選個“好”點嗎? 照片也一樣哈!

目前看來俺最好的壞照片應該可以跟大濕們最壞的好照片PK :-)

Chicago Tuesday night\'s Rally in Grant Park

1. (和諧之夜)

2. (美女不太和諧)

3. (警民和諧)

4. (支持和諧)

5. (集會和諧)

6. (交通和諧)

7. (沒啥不和諧)

7. (紀錄和諧)

8. (11/09 - 芝加哥論壇星期天號外)
早在10/17/08, 芝加哥論壇報就申言支持 Obama 競選美國總統.
The Tribune is proud to endorse him today for president of the United States. This endorsement makes some history for the Chicago Tribune. This is the first time the newspaper has endorsed the Democratic Party\'s nominee for president.(10/17/2008 芝加哥論壇報)

9. (最後, 還是要靠美女和諧)