文章來源: 古典2018-02-15 14:56:11

逢雪宿芙蓉山  劉長卿 Liu Chang-qing709-780 唐(618-907) 安徽宣城  -11-

féng xuě sù fú róng shān

逢:féng come upon, happen meet; flatter 遇到 久別重逢;宿:stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 住宿 宿敵;芙蓉:fú róng 花名

Every mountain snow Lotus Hill


rì mù cāng shān yuǎn ,tiān hán bái wū pín 。

蒼:cāng blue; green 深青色 灰白色 蒼天 蒼白;:pín poor, impoverished, needy 貧窮貧血

Dusk Cangshan far, poor white house poverty.


chái mén wén quǎn fèi ,fēng xuě yè guī rén 。

柴:chái irewood, fuel 柴火 柴油;犬:quǎn dog 狗 犬子-兒子;吠:fèi bark 狗叫

Barking smell the door, snow and snow at night.

Caught Up By Snow And Put Up At A Hut In Furong Mountain

Duck falling and the purple mountains far,

Weather cold and the while cottage humble.

At the wicket gate dogs barking heard,

Snowy night and the returning man.