私房語錄 (46) MP 的藝術
文章來源: 海棠花飛2011-09-23 16:05:40

兒子貪玩 , 吃飯了, 喊半天才下樓. 老爸麵露慍色.

俺趕緊邊放碗筷 , 邊對兒子說: “ 今天你姐不在, 你就坐老爸邊上, 我們圍著他坐 , 他是家裏的主人嘛. "

兒子掃了一眼他爸, 說 : ”Ya, he is the most important person in our family. “ 老爸一聽, 喝口小酒, 發不出火來了. 兒子又轉過身來拍拍俺肩膀, 說:“Of course, you are the most powerful person in our family. “

這臭小子,德性!難道不知道 the most important 的都想衝前台,而 the most powerful 的都想藏幕後嗎?
