私房語錄 (14-15)
文章來源: 海棠花飛2007-08-01 20:50:18

小兒試著給我們講笑話。第一個笑話是: A man is on a flight to Boston. He has a dream that he is eating his shoe. He wakes up and his dream comes true. 們問他,此人為何要去波士頓,再者,這笑話好笑在哪裏?他急了:I forgot where he goes. I think Boston sounds coolso I made it up. The funny part of this joke is his dream comes true and he is eating his shoe! 看我們誰也沒樂,他歎口氣,開講第二個:Mom has to go to work. She asks the babysitter to take care of her baby while she is away. When Mom comes back from work. Guess what? The babysitter is sitting on the baby! 看到這個終於把我們逗樂了,他鬆了口氣。

(15) 沒事在家逗小兒玩。對小兒說:兒子,長大做醫生好嗎?幫大家看病,所有人都會喜歡你的。小兒想也沒想,頭搖得像潑浪鼓:我不要做醫生,我可不想喝別人的尿。這是什麽邏輯,聞所未聞,趕緊問這是誰說的。小兒一本正經地答道:上次去 Dr.Arnold 那兒 針,他讓我尿尿到一個小杯子裏,我把杯子交給他的時候,那尿尿還是熱的呢。。。。

作者:海棠花飛 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531)