私房語錄 (10-11)
文章來源: 海棠花飛2007-07-22 19:14:07

小兒剛上幼稚園時,時間概念總搞不清。Morning 說吃的是dinner, evening 說吃breakfast 終於有一天,他自己悟出來了:Mom, I finally got it. Before noon, I eat breakfast and go to school, after noon I come back from school and eat dinner. B(reakfast) comes before D(inner).謝上帝,幸虧他明白before after 的區別,否則,讓我解釋為什麽早飯叫breakfast晚飯叫dinner,那可就慘了。

(11) 小兒最近Kiss頗有研究和造詣。花樣翻新,數量增加,隻親媽媽不親爸。Good Night Kiss 夠,還新添了Good Morning Kiss,嘴裏還念叨著如果我可以和他共進午餐的話,他還會給我Good Noon Kiss每次Kiss他都鄭重其事,有一認定的程序:雙手捧著我的腦袋,從上到下,從左到右。如此循環,重複五遍。感覺近來他是地圖方位學得很刻苦,我的臉變成了他的地球儀了。上次的four-flavor Kiss讓我記憶猶新,今兒個他又興匆匆地跑過來:“Mom, do you know the world's longest kiss? They kissed 31 hours on TV!! Can we beat that record?看著他那企盼的小臉,心想他老爸怎就沒這幹勁呢?!稀裏糊塗地跟了他這麽多年,吉尼斯的記錄可一項也沒破啊。歎口氣,拍拍小兒的腦瓜,回答道:Sweetie, do the maths. How long can you stand without food and water? let's start from there......

作者:海棠花飛 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531)