文章來源: 春天裏的老漢2005-03-25 05:30:39
昨晚在回家的地鐵上看了一篇文章,講一個劍橋大學物理學講授的故事。 看完之後,我對這位老兄的高產真是心服口服,無話可說。你不服氣?來看看這個list: 1。寫了14本科普讀物; 2。寫了一個劇本,在意大利上演並得了獎; 3。定期給報紙雜質寫專欄; 4。每年給30個左右的public lectures; 5。別急,他也做一個教授該做的事,那就是,教學科研及其他活動,他每年發表十篇左右的專業論文; 7。以上這一切都用的是他的half time,因為在另一半的half time,他是一個為公眾普及數學知識的project的director。 這樣一種多姿多彩的career,實在為我所向往,但我知道我不可能做到。 因為這篇文章說: ... two different approaches that people might take to the possibility of infinite life: the "Nows" would work incredibly hard because they would feel as if they had an infinite number of things to do, while the "Laters" would do very little as they had forever to do everythting. 顯然,這位老兄屬於前者,而我老人家不幸(仰或有幸?)屬於後者。嘿嘿。