Lesson 4 -- Nicoles Day at School
文章來源: 天澤園2009-08-07 20:32:15

Speak English Like an American -- Lesson 4


Nicole tells her mother Susan about her successful presentation at school. Her bother Ted overhears and interrupts the conversation.

Susan:   How was your day at school today, Nicole?
Nicole:  It was great, mom. I gave a presentation on Hillary Clinton in government class.
             Afterwards, my teacher paid me a compliment.
Susan:   What did she say?
Nicole:  She said my presentation was head and shoulders above the others.
Susan:   Way to go!
Nicole:  She also said I should go into politics, just like Hillary.
Ted:      You are so gung ho about school. It drives me crazy.
Nicole:  Ted, don't butt in! You're just jealous.
Ted:      Right, you hit the nail on the head. I'm green with envy.
Nicole:  Would you just shut up? You're on thin ice with me right now.
Ted:      Oh no! Look at me. I'm shaking on my shoes!



(to) butt in (slang) – to interrupt; to interfere

(to)drive one crazy – to annoy someone very much

(to) go into – to enter profession

Green with envy – desiring another’s advantages or things

Gung ho – very enthusiastic ; very excited ( about something )

Head and shoulders above – far superior to

(to) hit the nail on the head – to be right

(to be) on thin ice ( with someone) – to be in a dangerous

(to) pay (someone) a compliment – to give someone a compliment; to offer someone an admiring comment

(to) shake in one’s shoes – to tremble with fear; to be afraid

Shut up – be quiet; stop speaking

Way to go! – Good work!