文章來源: 天澤園2009-06-27 20:17:56

An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer's mood or facial expression. They are often used to alert a responder to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve interpretation of plain text.

The word is a portmanteau of the English words emotion and icon. In web forums, instant messengers and online games, text emoticons are often automatically replaced with small corresponding images, which came to be called emoticons as well. Examples of widely known emoticons are the smiley face :) and the frowny face :(.
Emoticon這個詞是emotion和icon兩個詞組合而成的。在網絡論壇、即時信息工具以及網絡遊戲中,這些文本符號表情通常會被自動替換為對應的圖像表情,不過它們還是被稱為emoticon。代表笑臉的:) 和皺眉的:( 是最為人熟知的兩個符號表情。