詞語辯析: bake, roast, toast
文章來源: 天澤園2009-05-22 21:08:28
詞語辯析: bake, roast, toast

bake, roast, toast

bake : 指在烤爐裏,烘烤,不與火直接接觸,用持續的幹熱,緩慢地烘烤任何食物。
(cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven; "bake the potatoes")
For example,
The bread is baking in the oven.

roast : 一般指在火上烤大塊的肉或整隻牲畜或家禽。
(cook with dry heat, usually in an oven;)
For example,
roast the turkey

toast : 側重通過烘烤使烘烤之物變成褐色,尤指烘麵包、熏肉等。
(make brown and crisp by heating;)
For example,
This bread toasts well.