英語拾零:關於Luck,Hope and Optimism 的 Idioms
文章來源: 天澤園2009-02-23 22:52:58
英語拾零:關於Luck,Hope and Optimism 的 Idioms

1) be looking up  轉好,改善

For Example,
a) Now that my health has returned to normal, my life is looking up again.

b)After a brief downturn in the economy, things are looking up on the stock market.

2)break a leg  祝你好運

For Example,
a)I just heard that your acting audition is today. I hope you get the part. Break a leg!

b)Kay told Manuel to break a leg in the 20K race.

3)Every cloud has a silver lining.  塞翁失馬焉知非福

For Example,
Perhaps when you recover from your muscle injury, you'll be more dedicated to
proper training. You see,every cloud has a silver lining

4)hold out hope 抱持希望

For Example,
a) Everyone was holding out hope that more survivors of the terrible avalanche would be found.

b)The parents of the critically ill patient, holding out hope for a kidney thansplant, have
contacted all the donor banks across the country.

5) hope for the best  樂觀的期待結果

For Example,
a)There's nothing we can do to change the mistake now. We can only hope for the best.

b)The parents of the sailors lost at sea had to hope for the best when the weather turned
 bad and search suspended.

6)luck out 意料之外的好運

For Example,
a) Paul really lucked out on the test. He hardly studied and he still got an A.

b) The Mandelas lucked out when they got to the theater later and there were still good seats.

7) not be the end of the world 並非什麽大不了的事,並非世界末日

For Example,
Losing your job is not the end of the world. You've got enough qualifications
and experience to find another one easily.

8) The sky's the limit. 無可限量

For Example,
a) For a person who has talent and works hard to achieve goals, the sky's the limit.