英語拾零: American Idioms:- AT THE DROP OF A HAT...
文章來源: 天澤園2009-01-11 11:50:22
American Idioms: - AT THE DROP OF A HAT...

我想大家都知道"帽子"在英文裏是哪個字 - Hat.

其中一個很普遍的就是:at the drop of a hat. At the drop of a hat從字麵上來解釋就是:一旦帽子落地。這實際上也是一個信號的意思。也就是說,一有信號就馬上行動。這個說法可能是來自以前的決鬥。在決鬥的時候,裁判員一般都是舉著帽子,然後突然把它往地下一扔,作為決鬥雙方可以開始開槍的信號。

但是,at the drop of a hat現在已經和開槍沒有關係了,它的意思現在已經變成指一個脾氣一觸即發的人。


例句-1: Tom Atkins is usually a good-hearted friendly guy. But he has one problem -- a hot temper. Say something he doesn't agree with, and he'll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat.


例句2: My daughter Janet has decided to leave her abusive husband. I feel so relieved! If Janet uttered a word when John was in bad mood -- and most of the time he was -- he would hit her at the drop of a hat.

這位父親說:我女兒珍尼特終於下決心離開那個虐待她的丈夫約翰了。我真是鬆了一口氣。要是珍尼特在約翰情緒不好的時候開口說話 -- 而他大多數時候總是情緒不好的 -- 他馬上就會打她。

下麵一個習慣用語會讓我們想起那些會變戲法的魔術家。這個習慣用語就是:to pull something out of the hat. To pull something out of the hat就是"從帽子裏拿出什麽東西來"。魔術家一般都會變這個戲法,那就是先給觀眾看一頂帽子,裏麵好像是沒有什麽東西。然後,他就用一條手絹把帽子蓋起來,用他的魔術棍敲幾下,接著就從帽子裏拿出一隻活的兔子或者是一隻活的鳥。

To pull something out of the hat作為習慣用語,它的意思就是:"找到一個沒有意料到的辦法來解決麵臨的困難。"


例句3: Our company is in deep trouble. We're out of money and have to pay back the bank a five-million loan by Tuesday. Unless the boss can pull something out of the hat, we'll be out of business.


例句4: So much pressure for me this week -- a research report to finish, six pages of translation to hand in and two house guests arriving tomorrow. I don't think I can cope with all this unless I can pull something out of the hat.

