英語拾零: The early bird catches the worm.
文章來源: 天澤園2008-12-22 10:21:13
The early bird catches the worm.

早睡早起身體好,而且早起的鳥兒有蟲吃,這句祖先留下的金句,外國人也有類似的話:The early bird catches the worm. 喻意是早些行動便會有成果。如果你有早起的習慣,可以說:I'm an early bird.(我是一隻早起的鳥兒)。假如某同事經常遲到而今天又特別準時上班,你可嘲笑他說:You're an early bird today?(你今天來的真早!)

A:How did you meet Launa? Hundred of guys are after her.
B:It's easy. The early bird catches the worm.
A:What did you do then?
B:I woke up at six every morning and drove her to the office.

The early bird catches the worm直譯是‘早起的鳥兒會捉到蟲’,意思當然是‘捷足先登’,例如:She went to the sale early and got the best bargains. The early bird catches the worm(大特價一開始,她就去買東西,買了些都是物有所值的特價品,可謂捷足先登)。

早睡早起的人,英文就稱為early bird,例如:An early bird, he is up at six every morning(他習慣早起,每天早上六點鍾就起?了)。和early bird相對的,是night owl(晚間貓頭鷹),即遲眠遲起的人,例如:He is a night owl who rarely goes to sleep before two o'clock in the morning(他習慣遲睡,很少淩晨兩點之前就寢)。
He is an old bird. 指人老謀深算(不是讚美之詞)。

說早起的好處,英文有一句成語:Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy、wealthy, and wise(早睡早起,使你健康、富有、聰明)。有時會略作early to bed and early to rise,例如:"I never watch television after ten at night, I sleep early." "Early to bed and early to rise, huh?"(‘我習慣早睡,晚上十點鍾之後從來不看電視。’ ‘早睡早起,是嗎?’)

其實,‘早’不一定好。早起的蟲隻會給鳥兒捉去,隻是很多人沒想到。在中國,早慧者‘小時了了,大未必佳’;西方也有一句類似成語:Early ripe, early rotten(熟得早,爛得早)。例如:I don't want our son to be an infant prodigy. early ripe, early rotten, you know(我不想兒子做神童,小時了了,大未必佳啊)。
