英語拾零: Under the gun & Gunshy
文章來源: 天澤園2008-12-11 19:53:37

Under the gun就是一個人為了在限定的時間內完成一項任務,或者是解決一個問題而受到很大的壓力,幾乎就好像有人拿著槍逼著他把事情幹完一樣。我們來舉幾個例子吧。

例句-1: I'd planned to go to the beach this weekend but I had to cancel my reservation. The boss has me under the gun to finish the company's annual program report by next Monday.



例句-2: I can't afford any time before Christmas for parties because I'm under the gun to get ready for term exams. If I fail any of the courses I won't be accepted into medical school next year.



Gunshy 又作 gun-shy,是個與戰爭有關的俚語。gun,槍炮;shy 在這裏不是怕羞、害羞的意思,而是指恐懼和害怕。
因此 gunshy 字麵意思是怕槍炮聲的,說的是士兵在戰場上一聽到槍炮聲就感到忐忑不安、心驚膽戰。
後來 gunshy 引申為指一個人由於以往不太愉快的經曆而在麵臨某種情況的時候感到很遲疑不安,也就是一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩(once bitten, twice shy.)

例句-3: All his friends kept telling my brother Bill he ought to get married again. But he's gunshy about having another wife after his first marriage turned out so badly.


例句-4: John used to travel by plane at least once a month on business. But since he survived that plane crash last year, he's become gunshy about boarding a plane. He'd rather drive whenever possible.


改編: (ZT)