英語拾零: Practice Makes Perfect.
文章來源: 天澤園2008-10-29 21:14:32
Practice Makes Perfect.


Practice makes perfect means that the more you practice, the better you will become. If you want to become great, then you should practice as much as possible. Example: "See how fast you are getting better at the piano? Practice makes perfect."

Practice makes perfect is said to encourage people to keep practicing so they will become better at what they are doing. Example: "Come on guys, do it again! I want to see you getting this right. Practice makes perfect!"

不但是音樂家也好, 運動員也好, 在他們的成長過程中, 總是需要不斷的練習才能有完美的演出. 這就造就了一句成語, practice makes perfect. 鼓勵別人要不斷地去嚐試錯誤. 類似的成語例如 If at first you don"t succeed, try ,try again. (如果一開始不成功的話, 要不斷地嚐試下次, 注意這裏的 try ,try again 不是我多打了一個 try 而是老美真的是這樣說的.),