英語拾零: Don\'t jump the gun before you really know what\'s going o
文章來源: 天澤園2008-09-15 21:55:07
Don't jump the gun before you really know what's going on.


在運動比賽中常用嗚槍作為開始起跑的信號,所以 jump the gun
常用 jump the gun 來指太早行動,也就是 start too early 的意思。
比方說人家明明規定是 15 號發薪水,但是你硬要 14 號去問人家支票
下來了沒,旁人就可以規勸他,"Don't jump the gun because they
usually start distributing paychecks on the 15th." (不要太早去,
因為他們通常十五號才開始發薪水。) 當然遜一點的講法也可以用
"Don't go too early." 來代替這個 "Don't jump the gun."

jump the gun 還常用來指一個人在不明究理的情況下亂發脾氣
(get mad at someone too early,也是有 too early 的意思在裏麵),
連我是不是債主都不知道,這時就可以說 "Hey! Don't jump the gun.
What's up?" (喂,不要太早生氣,到底發生了什麽事?) 或是上次我朋友
結果警察告訴他,"Don't jump the gun. I just want to remind you
to close the gas tank cap." (不要太快生氣,我隻是提醒你油箱蓋忘
