Seeing a dentist - it is not my baby?
文章來源: 秒秒2018-12-09 12:57:55
Situation: a patient, a very young blond-hair dentist, a
witch-look middle aged nurse
Patient: doctor, my tooth is having a problem again, 2 years
ago I had a Indian dentist to put filling in it in Lxx. Now it is hurting me.
Dentist: let me see, ... we got to have it extracted out.
Patient: oh no! do you have any other method please? Like
injecting some medicine to there for me? I'd very much like to keep it please.
Dentist: I don’t have any other method, except get rid of
Patient (oh, such a stupid dentist)
Dentist: you see, if you took antibiotics it only helps for
a while, say, after one week, the problme is coming back again!
Patient was hit by this words. : Ok, doctor, lets extract it
Dentist was happy. Surgery was taking place...
After a while, the nurse was holding the tooth, it looked a white, intact tooth, with one side a small black spot, and the other side a bloody tissue stick on the side of the tooth.
Nurse: look, your tooth, it is a very bad one!
Patent: where does it show? here? (Pointing to a black spot)
Nurse: pointing to a blood tissue alongside of the
tooth) There!
Patient: (unknown the situation kind just ignorantly nodding
her head) oh, can I keep it please? It is part of me,
like my baby :)
Nurse and Dentist becoming very nervous: NO! You don't need
to! It is a bad one. With bacteria.
Patient: so it is not my baby?
Dentist (laughing) No, just throw it!

 Question taking away: why does the dentist/nurse not
like the idea to let the patient take her tooth?