文章來源: Simply_leaf2008-08-12 08:37:25
是個認識10多年的老熟人了,他長得完全是美國白人模樣,高高的身材,棕色頭發眼睛,言談話語舉手投足也不能再美國了。而他的姓卻是印度人的姓 Singh。估計母親那邊是歐洲來的。閑話少說,言歸正轉。

8月9日(禮拜6),他碰上了我,上來就問:“你看開幕式了嗎?”然後一改 mild mannerism, 滔滔不絕地說:“That was amazing, just amazing. It took our breath away. Everything was over the top in a good way, unbelievably creative and impressive. That ceremony alone has changed people's view of China in a big way. Instead of this backward images from the past, China is looked upon as an equal partner or competitor."

