Roasted Red Pepper Sanwich with Capers
文章來源: 馬二妞2008-02-16 19:23:19

Roasted Red Pepper Sanwich with Capers

昨天在跑步機上跑步時看到這個三明治。好象很好吃的樣子,有很簡單。於是起心動念想要試一把。結果真的是很美味。我喜歡吃蘑菇,所以加了些在Portbella Marshoom在裏麵。

現在麵包片上塗一層Herb/Garlic Goat Cheese,厚薄隨意了。不過我喜歡Goat Cheese的味道,所以沒有塗很薄。然後把拌好的紅辣椒和蘑菇放在上麵。5分鍾,搞定。新鮮,簡單,美味!

Serving 1, 350 Calories.

4 large red bell peppers , may substitute yellow
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 garlic cloves , minced
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
2 tablespoons capers , drained
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