文章來源: rolling2011-05-20 09:14:54

The Bee Gees

The Bee Gees(比吉斯) 60年代搖滾樂中一個多才多藝的三重奏樂隊,出身於音樂薰陶的家庭父親是樂團長,母親是歌手, Barry 9歲時已開始用吉他自彈自唱,伴奏的是兩個6歲的雙胞胎兄弟Robin與Maurice. 樂隊的歌曲多是自作自詞自唱,Robin清澈怪異的顫音,Barry那獨一無二的R&B假嗓音與Maurice在貝斯吉他及鍵盤等樂器上出色的才華,為他們這個三重合唱組殿基了日後在世界樂壇上40年的輝煌成就.

The Bee Gees:我心中永遠的樂隊.



Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts,
Something's telling me I must go home.
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own.

Tried to hitching a ride to San Francisco,
Gotta do the things I wanna do.
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
They brought me back to see my way with you.

Talk about the life in Massachusetts,
Speak about the people I have seen,
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
And Massachusetts is one place I have seen.

I will remember Massachusetts...
I will remember Massachusetts...
I will remember Massachusetts...