i were everything......
文章來源: 且走且唱2007-05-19 04:23:50
一直都以為自己是很堅強的,打不跨的。可是最近卻總覺得無精打采,力不從心,工作也不順心,甚至連歎息都發不出來。我,丟了自己心愛的東西, 又走失了自己。我看到我的軟弱,我的落寞,我的驕傲掉了一地。。。。。。

you were my strength when i was weak
you were my voice when i couldn't speak
you were my eye when i couldn't see
you saw the best there was in me 
you gave me wings and made me fly
you touched my hand i could touch the sky
i had your love i had it all
i'm everything i am because you loved me