文章來源: 阿姍2005-07-10 00:10:31


一定要帶足防蚊子的用品。 LvtoTravel 給介紹了 Avon's SkinSoSoft products,說是 as effective as DEET, but does not have the smell of DEET.

Peach1 提醒在 BWCA 可能會見到北極光!!!太興奮了。明尼蘇達州有個城市就叫 Aurora,肯定是跟極光有關的。找到一個Boundary Waters Aurora 的網站,貼有照片。下一步要了解最佳觀看時間,phase of the moon,以及拍攝技巧。

見到朋友 Matt,忽然想到找他教我釣魚。他說他們家在北密西根有個林間小屋(cabin),請我去玩,到時可以釣魚。聽說要拿許可證才能釣魚。不知道 BWCA 從哪裏拿釣魚許可(我知道是需要的)。

General Insect Repellents Information
Insect repellents are designed to deter insects from stinging and biting. In order for a insect repellent to be effective it should provide greater than 95% protection for at least 30 minutes after application when applied at a rate of 1.0 ml per 600 cm2 of skin (approximate skin area of an average human forearm).

Insect repellents fall into two categories: DEET-based or non-DEET-based (DEET-free) essential plant oils. There are concerns about the potential dangerous side effects of DEET-based products, but these products are very effective and are safe when used properly. Insect repellents containing DEET can provide full protection from 2-8 hours, depending on concentration of DEET. A 7% DEET formulation (e.g. OFF Skintastik) will provide about 2 hours of protection. A 30% DEET formulation (e.g. Deep Woods OFF) will provide 4-6 hours of protection. A 75% DEET formulation will provide 6-8 hours of protection. Children should only use products with less than 10% DEET to avoid possible overexposure and harmful side effects. DEET free essential plant oil repellents are also effective in preventing bites and stings.

The effectiveness of both DEET-based and DEET-free repellents depends on how much a person perspires and his level of physical activity. Swimming and other water activities will also affect repellent effectiveness. Use the repellent as indicated on the product label for safe and effective use.