文章來源: 占波2010-02-01 05:49:01

李煜的《虞美人》可以說是一首人見人愛的絕品,相傳後主生日當夜,身為亡 國之 君,寄人籬下,苟且偷生。一時悲從胸來,百感交集,填《虞美人》詞,命舊人故妓合樂而歌,悲切之聲環梁而泄,有人奏於宋太宗,太宗聞之大怒,命人賜牽機藥,將李煜毒死。這首《虞美人》,可以說是真正的絕命詞了。








The Beautiful Lady Yu》 (一)
When will there be no more moon and spring flowers
For me who had so many memorable hours?
My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand
Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.
Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,
But rosy faces cannot be as fair.
If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,
Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!
( 二)
Spring flowers and autumn moon--when will they be ended?
How many past events can we tell?
The east wind blew through my small lodge again last night.
The old country, bathed in a bright moon, Is an overwhelming sight!
Those carved balustrades, those marble terraces---
They should still be there, Only the rosy cheeks have faded.
How much sorrow, pray, can a person carry?
Like the spring torrent flowing eastward, without tarry






Beauty Yu
How could the Spring flower and Autamn Moon stop circulation ?
which brougt me back into the countless bygones.

Blew again, the east wind through my tiny attic last night,

Unbearably called to mind, my homeland in the moon light

Those carved balustrades and marble terraces should still be there,

Only the rosy faces have faded.

If asked, how much sadness could I have?

Just like the Spring water of a whole river flowing eastword.






     * 該詞是李煜發自心底的感觸,抒發的都是自己的情感。中文詞句中不用加第一人稱,人們也不會誤解。但在英譯時,若沒有第一人稱,全詩就很難看明白,這一點是十分重要的。
    *  春花秋月何時了,往事知多少。” 兩句是連帶關係,不能把意思拆散了譯。 春花秋月一年一度,怎麽樣才能不再看到你們呢?要知道,每次看到你們,都會勾起我對許許多多往事的回憶。
    * “小樓昨夜又東風,故國不堪回首月明中” 同樣是一個關聯句, 上麵兩個譯文表達的都不是很確切。特別是不堪回首的意思沒有表現出來,顯得過於平淡了。
    *     問君能有幾多愁,恰似一江春水向東流。” 是該詞的高潮,品詞的人也會隨著詩句的疊加,情緒高漲一泄東去,不可收。這裏麵的“君” ,就是李煜本人,翻譯的時候不應含糊,直接要用第一人稱才有力度。 愁”有多少呢? 有滿滿一江的水那樣多,這是給“愁” 定的量,上麵兩個譯本都沒表現出來,把“愁” 和“水” 搞脫節了。如果再反著翻譯回來,就成了“ 問我的愁有多少呢? 看看那向東流的江水吧。” 這顯然不是原句的本意。  向東流” 隻是“一江春水的” 補語,不能當成謂語來翻譯。“恰似” 兩字十分重要,是將情緒烘托到高潮的點睛之筆,一定要在翻譯時有所交代,不能隨便漏掉。