Richard's First Poster Presentation
文章來源: 梅不爭春2007-05-02 22:42:00

Richard brought his first poster presentation on "How to make things melt?" to school yesterday morning.  He was very excited the night before yesterday practicing his presentation in front of the poster.  He even tried to show his humor during his presentation of the scientific topic.  His presentation included the definition of the problem, project research (information search), hypothesis, experimentation, study results and conclusion.  He did the experiments himself under my direction and assistance observing whether ice, sugar and a piece of metal would melt in the air and when heated on fire, and how long it would take for them to melt under the two different conditions.  After the experiment, Richard made conclusions that you have to heat a substance to its melting point to make it melt and different substance has different melting point.  When I tried to wash off the melted sugar after heated on fire with the running tap water, Richard made a keen observation that the sugar became solid again.  He realized that the running water brought the temperature of the melted sugar down, so that the melted sugar turned back to the solid state.  He then immediately recalled and explained how the craft man that he run into in Chengdu could make dragons, mice and other animals with melted sugar on sticks.  That's an excellent connection surprising me.  Looks like the direction of "Kai Men Ban Xue" is definitely correct.