文章來源: 不很明了2020-06-13 11:38:49



為此,我唐納德·川普(DONALD J. TRUMP),作為美國總統,根據美利堅合眾國憲法(Constitution)賦予我的權利,包括《移民(專題)和國籍法》(Immigration and Nationality Act)212(f) 和215(a)款,美國法典第8篇1182(f) 和1185(a)款,及美國法典第3篇301認定,除本公告第二部分涉及的人員外,本公告第一部分所述之非移民人員無限製入境美國會對美國的利益造成傷害。這類人員的入境應有某種約束、限製和例外。為此我宣布以下諸項:



(a) 本公告第一部分之規定不適用於:

(i) 任何美國合法永久居民;

(ii) 配偶為美國公民或合法永久居民的任何外國人;

(iii) 任何作為美國武裝部隊(United States Armed Forces)成員的外國人及任何作為美國武裝部隊成員的配偶或子女的外國人;

(iv) 任何符合聯合國總部協定(United Nations Headquarters Agreement)第11條從事旅行或根據美國按適用的國際協議承擔的義務允許入境美國的外國人;

(v) 由國務卿和國土安全部(Homeland Security)部長與相關行政部門和機構谘商認定,任何在涉及相關信息但並不有助於中華人民共和國軍民融合戰略的領域從事學習或研究的外國人;

(vi) 由國務卿、國土安全部長或各自指定的人員依據司法部長(Attorney General)或其指定人員的建議認定其入境有利於進一步促進美國重要執法目標的任何外國人;或

(vii) 由國務卿、國土安全部長或各自指定的人員認定其入境符合美國國家利益的任何外國人。

(b) 本公告所述之任何內容不應解釋為可限製個人尋求庇護、難民地位、停止遞解的能力或為執行《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》(Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)按美國法律提供的保護。


(a) 本公告第一和第二部分所述之人員須由國務卿或國務卿指定的人員根據國務卿可確立的標準和程序自行全權酌定。對於本公告分條款2(a)(v), 2(a)(vi)和 2(a)(vii),國務卿須依據各分條款項下司法部長和國土安全部長提供的進一步認定和建議對外國人進行酌定。

(b) 國務卿須根據國務卿與國土安全部長谘商後自行確立的相關程序執行本公告中與各類簽證相關的條款。國土安全部長須根據與國務卿谘商後自行確立的程序執行本公告中與外國人入境相關的條款。

(c) 凡通過欺詐、故意謊報重大事實或非法入境逃避本公告實施的外國人,均應作為重點對象由國土安全部遞解出境。





(a) 國務卿須根據國務卿的自行酌定,考慮目前在美國持F 或J簽證的中華人民共和國國民如符合本公告第一部分所述之標準,是否應根據《移民和國籍法》221(i)款,美國法典第8篇1201(i)款的規定撤銷他們的簽證。

(b) 在本公告生效60天內,國務卿和國土安全部長須與各相關機構首長谘商,對非移民和移民項目進行複議,同時通過總統國家安全事務助理(Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs)就可降低中華人民共和國獲得美國敏感技術和知識產權行為構成的危險需要總統采取行動的其他任何措施向總統提出建議。

(c) 國務卿和國土安全部長須在各自權限範圍內,協同各相關機構首長為進一步降低中華人民共和國獲得美國敏感技術和知識產權行為構成的危險采取行動。國務卿和國土安全部長須在本公告生效60天內通過總統國家安全事務助理向總統報告任何這類行動的規劃和實施事宜。

(d) 國務卿和國土安全部長須考慮在適當的情況下就執行《移民和國籍法》212(a)(3)(D) 款,美國法典第8篇1182(a)(3)(D)有關不予受理事宜的條款發布更新條例和指南。


(a) 本公告任何部分都不應被解釋為削弱以下方麵或使之受到其他影響:

(i) 法律授予某一行政部門或機構,或者其主管的權力;或者

(ii) 管理和預算辦公室(Office of Management and Budget)主任與預算、 行政或立法提案相關的職能。

(b) 本公告須遵照適用的法律付諸實施,並取決於撥款情況。

(c) 本公告不代表也不構成任何一方可與美國、其各部、機構或實體、其官員、雇員或代理人或其他任何人對立的實質性或程序性的可由法律或平衡法實施的權利或福利。







The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is engaged in a wide?ranging and heavily resourced campaign to acquire sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property, in part to bolster the modernization and capability of its military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).  The PRC’s acquisition of sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property to modernize its military is a threat to our Nation’s long-term economic vitality and the safety and security of the American people.

The PRC authorities use some Chinese students, mostly post?graduate students and post-doctorate researchers, to operate as non-traditional collectors of intellectual property.  Thus, students or researchers from the PRC studying or researching beyond the undergraduate level who are or have been associated with the PLA are at high risk of being exploited or co-opted by the PRC authorities and provide particular cause for concern.  In light of the above, I have determined that the entry of certain nationals of the PRC seeking to enter the United States pursuant to an F or J visa to study or conduct research in the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, hereby find that the unrestricted entry into the United States as nonimmigrants of persons described in section 1 of this proclamation would, except as provided for in section 2 of this proclamation, be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and that their entry should be subject to certain restrictions, limitations, and exceptions.  I therefore hereby proclaim the following:

Section 1.  Suspension and Limitation on Entry.  The entry into the United States as a nonimmigrant of any national of the PRC seeking to enter the United States pursuant to an F or J visa to study or conduct research in the United States, except for a student seeking to pursue undergraduate study, and who either receives funding from or who currently is employed by, studies at, or conducts research at or on behalf of, or has been employed by, studied at, or conducted research at or on behalf of, an entity in the PRC that implements or supports the PRC’s “military-civil fusion strategy” is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.  For the purposes of this proclamation, the term “military-civil fusion strategy” means actions by or at the behest of the PRC to acquire and divert foreign technologies, specifically critical and emerging technologies, to incorporate into and advance the PRC’s military capabilities.

Sec2.  Scope of Suspension and Limitation on Entry.
(a)  Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:

(i)    any lawful permanent resident of the United States;

(ii)   any alien who is the spouse of a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident;

(iii)  any alien who is a member of the United States Armed Forces and any alien who is a spouse or child of a member of the United States Armed Forces;

(iv)   any alien whose travel falls within the scope of section 11 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement or who would otherwise be allowed entry into the United States pursuant to United States obligations under applicable international agreements;

(v)    any alien who is studying or conducting research in a field involving information that would not contribute to the PRC’s military?civil fusion strategy, as determined by the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies);

(vi)   any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees, based on a recommendation of the Attorney General or his designee; or

(vii)  any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees.

(b)  Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to limit the ability of an individual to seek asylum, refugee status, withholding of removal, or protection under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, consistent with the laws of the United States.

Sec3.  Implementation and Enforcement.  (a)  Persons covered by sections 1 or 2 of this proclamation shall be identified by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of State’s designee, in his or her sole discretion, pursuant to such standards and procedures as the Secretary of State may establish.  For purposes of subsections 2(a)(v), 2(a)(vi), and 2(a)(vii) of this proclamation, the Secretary of State shall provide for identifications of aliens based on the further determinations and recommendations provided for in those subsections by the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(b)  The Secretary of State shall implement this proclamation as it applies to visas pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, may establish in the Secretary of State’s discretion.  The Secretary of Homeland Security shall implement this proclamation as it applies to the entry of aliens pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may establish in the Secretary of Homeland Security’s discretion.

(c)  An alien who circumvents the application of this proclamation through fraud, willful misrepresentation of a material fact, or illegal entry shall be a priority for removal by the Department of Homeland Security.

Sec4.  Termination.  This proclamation shall remain in effect until terminated by the President.  The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, may at any time recommend that the President continue, modify, or terminate this proclamation.

Sec5.  Effective Date.  This proclamation is effective at 12:00 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2020.

Sec6.  Additional Measures.  (a)  The Secretary of State shall consider, in the Secretary’s discretion, whether nationals of the PRC currently in the United States pursuant to F or J visas and who otherwise meet the criteria described in section 1 of this proclamation should have their visas revoked pursuant to section 221(i) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1201(i).

(b)  Within 60 days of the effective date of this proclamation, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies, shall review nonimmigrant and immigrant programs and shall recommend to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, any other measures requiring Presidential action that would mitigate the risk posed by the PRC’s acquisition of sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property.

(c)  The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, within the scope of their respective authorities and in coordination with the heads of appropriate agencies, take action to further mitigate the risk posed by the PRC’s acquisition of sensitive United States technologies and intellectual property.  The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall report to the President, within 60 days of the effective date of this proclamation, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, any such planned and executed actions.

(d)  The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall consider issuing updated regulations and guidance, as appropriate, implementing the inadmissibility provisions in section 212(a)(3)(D) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(D).

Sec7.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b)  This proclamation shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c)  This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.



