文章來源: 不很明了2010-02-17 15:08:32
來源: 要上court04-09-03 13:52:38

我一朋友夫婦有兩個孩子,大的今年剛上preschool,小的還在daycare,夫妻倆人因工作原因份住兩個州,母親一人帶兩個孩子,(因母親所住學區較好)父親周一周五working at home,平時孩子下學回來,會給母親打電話,母親即可回家,(母親working time 7:30am to 4:30pm),與路上接小的一同回家,約20~30分鍾即可到家。



我家的狗追鄰居的貓, 貓上樹,鄰居要告我方溜狗不牽
來源: wxc021010-02-17 17:15:04


來源: daynice06-07-12 10:17:45
釣了一條TROUT, 結果被警察發現.說我沒有釣TROUT的STAMPLE在LICENSE 上, 罰金$200.其實, 我當時是想放了TROUT,它卻SWALLOW了鉤子,咋整都取不下來,魚便DEAD. Can I win the court? Thanks for your kind suggestion 。

Many thanks

The police said: I don't have special stamp so I can can not keep this fish. When I asked him, what if I got hook inside and can not took it off. He said, I should cut off the line and put fish into river with hook inside.

If I argue in the court like this: It is cruel to put back fish with a hook inside and it will cause the fish die paifully and slowly. That is why I tried hard to take off my hook, but unfortunately the fish died during this time and it does not make sense to put back dead fish into the river.

Do you think my arument make sense.

If I lose in the court, in generally, they won't charge me more than the amount decided by the police ($200), is that right?

I confuse on one point. The police said that $200 INCLUDING $190 court fee and if I decide to pay the fee without going to court, I should mail in $200 money order before the court day. Question is: why they charge the court fee if I don't go to the court?

來源: 單身老貓06-07-12 10:17:45
基本上如果您輸了這個案件,您需要負擔罰金($200)加上court fee (In Maryland is around $55 to $75),老實說您根本不應該用有帶倒刺的魚勾來釣魚 (如果您真的想放調這條倒楣的魚),所以老實說您能夠因此而無需受罰的機會並不大,基本上就算魚死了,您也應該扔回水中,而不是keep it. (這是警方argue的重點,因為您沒有適當的執照,所以您無權fish and keep it.)