Vitamin D
文章來源: felicia12010-01-01 19:21:45

2009年年尾,我好不容易才給寶寶找到一家兒科診所是有flu shot and swine flu shot的。可那診所隻給那裏的病人提供預防針,我隻好把寶寶轉過去。診所的醫生說他們會對新病人做physical check-up,好知道病人的情形。

做就做吧。等第二次回去follow up,醫生就告訴我說寶寶的血液報告顯示寶寶身體缺乏Vitamin D。當時我不相信,寶寶天天都喝至少16oz的奶,有時候會更多,yogurt和cheese都有吃的,怎麽會缺少Vitamin D呢?

醫生說正常的範圍是從35-100(大概的數字,正確的我忘了),而寶寶隻有21,真的是很少。而Vitamin D很重要,因為它幫助身體吸收calcium。醫生要我去看nutritionist,看如何幫寶寶在食物裏添加更多的vitamin D。

和nutritionist談過後才知道很多yogurt和cheese隻添加calcium,而沒有添加Vitamin D的。我回家看了看寶寶吃的,真的是沒有Vitamin D。而16oz的奶才提供每天60%的Vitamin D。

然後從nutritionist那確認了,皮膚得直接曬到陽光身體才能製造vitamin D。而且還是沒有塗sunblock的皮膚。再加上現在是冬天,陽光很少,就算有孩子也多躲在室內。所以還是得靠食物。

含有豐富Vitamin D的食物就是魚,而我們吃較少的魚,怕mercury contamination。而nutritionist說mild salmon還行,孩子可以吃。


經過分析,寶寶的diet裏真的是缺乏Vitamin D,現在在補救。三個月過再驗血,好確認寶寶身裏有足夠的Vitamin D。如不醫生就要懷疑孩子身體有其他問題而影響吸收能力。


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, hormone in the body

-Naturally found in: salmon, sardines in oil, tuna, mackerel, egg yolk, cod liver oil, the Sun (UVB rays) activates vitamin D in the skin on exposure (recommendation – 15 min. in the sun without sunblock), except during the months of November through February in the Northern regions above 35˚ latitude (limited amounts available)

-Fortified: milk, some cheeses, yogurt, & orange juice, ready to eat cereals (important to read food labels)


Functions: helps absorb calcium in the small intestine, is needed for bone growth

Deficiency: rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults (leads to softening & weakening of bones)

Populations @ risk: elderly (↓ absorption & ↓exposure to sun), obese individuals (Vit D can get trapped in the fat & does not circulate in the bloodstream), infants who are solely breastfed (maternal milk has limited amounts)