文章來源: 走近裴勇俊2007-08-08 18:11:56



By Water posted this on the Talk Box of BYJ's official home
December 5, 2006 
韓譯英:Joanne (Quilt)
中文: 唯俊  kokoo (www.onlybyj.com)

Dear Markus nim,非常感謝你的文章。









這我可不同意。“沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨。” 雖然一個人可能不知道何時何地會被某人迷住,不論是幻想還是誤會,但是總是有某些注性的,宿命一樣的事才會喜歡上那個人。

















因為相由心生,(內心修養投射到行為舉止) 內外統一成為不可分離的整體。




試想完美的外在表現是基於一個天point of contact平木條尾端的刻度板上,他的內在修養要在另一端保持平衡,從兩者的交匯點蔓延開來。(這句太拗了,俺不確定對不對—SKO注。)

(也許他外在的俊美被放在木製天平一端的托盤裏,而他內在的修養則變成保持平衡的砝碼放在另一端,他的魅力就在他內在和外表的交匯點蔓延開來。- 寶桑)




雖然我們通過作品遇到這樣的演員,也會被吸引了,但是我們也隻是想,“嗯,那個人在那部戲裏挺不錯的。” 我們一般很容易就忘了那個明星和那部戲。但是,BYJ就有很多他稱之為家人的死忠影迷。






就象我說的,我已經做了差不多三年的鐵杆FANS了。 我讀過去的新聞,老的文章,從中追溯他的過去和現在,他的始終如一讓我驚歎,甚至是震撼。

他總是告訴FANS不要擔心他會怎樣過日子,告訴他們他會努力地生活。在這個世界上,一個活到三十多歲的男人— 三十歲是已經經曆人世滄桑的年紀,還一直在說我會努力生活。在影迷麵前,在公眾麵前他始終都在說這句話,努力生活,好象是在德育課本裏,讓別人看到,也讓自己知道他為理想而活著,他為此而堅守信念,不是嗎?





他的每一次腳步,很顯然都是在向著自己的夢想邁進,雖然他不會花哩胡鞘地動作,但是在關鍵時刻進退得當。(有人評價他是無法漠視的高峰(原文是“Too big scars to forget”)。比如第二次訪日時在飯店前發生意外,他在新聞發布會上為自己的過失誠懇致歉,通過KEY EAST發展韓流,出席韓流博覽會,等等。)




他說他總在思考“一期一會”(的涵義)。('One chance One time'我翻譯成一期一會,不知道對不對——SKO)


























Dear Markus nim, you have asked why we like BYJ, haven't you?
By waterWater posted this on the Talk Box of BYJ's official home.
December 5, 2006

Dear Markus nim. I appreciated your writing very much.

Why (do people) like Bae Yongjoon? You've asked it, haven't you.
It is the question I also ask myself after I became his fan.
Why do I like this person?

Dear Markus nim, you have asked BYJ's fans.
What aspects have you found from him??
What in him has captured you???

I am a fan who came to like him while watching the 'Winter Love Song'.
I have never liked any other entertainer prior to that, nor do I have any eye for acting.
I watched that drama,
I spend dream-like days for a while since that time.
Phenomena that I cannot understand and cannot explain, was happening in myself.

By the way, not only myself, but most of so-called his fans would indulge in him as if they are dreaming or are getting enchanted, and those processes and symptoms are very similar each other regardless of countries. I wonder if BYJ may have shown a universal something that was transcending time and space in the Winter Love Song?

Thus, I will rearranged the question.
What aspect of BYJ in the 'WLS' have you indulged in?
What in him did make you to dream and to get enchanted?

1.There is something in him.

Minhyeong says that there is no reason for love.
I do not agree with that.
One cannot love anyone.
Although one may not know at that time, to be attracted to someone is,
no matter if it was illusion or misunderstanding,
to have seen decisive and fatal something that one likes from that person.

I became blind and deaf at his beaury.

As reflected in my eyes, he was a beauty, itself.

Thus, I would like to start talking with his beauty first.
Balance and Harmony is the chapter one verse one of the beauty.
From many sides of BYJ, I see esthetics of exquisite balance and harmony.

First, physical condition he was born with is beautiful in itself.
Basically, he is the typical model of balance and harmony.
When one sees still face and physical condition, ratio of each part and entire body is almost perfect.
Both Closed up face and shape of body shown in full shot ,
no matter what part and from what angle they shoot, give sense of stability and comfortable feeling visually.
However, I am not insisting that he is the best looking actor.
Actually, there are many stars who are handsome.
I see that handsome stars other than him exist at present and will continue to appear in the future.

As far as I think, BYJ's magic formula, that open secret,
starts in mobile moments when his physical conditions are alive and moving,
that is from his expressions and gestures, and from when he starts talking.
There are people who seem to be mean and superficial from expresions, ways of talking, or behaviors
when they start talking or move, although they are wonderful when they assumes poses like still objects, aren't they?

In contrast to them, when he smiled lightly by slightly raising head up, when he greeted bowing politely,
when he strode with stable steps, I felt dizzy anew in each moment and got enchanted (to him).

That is right. BYJ enchants ladies with each of tiny expression, of small gesture, of one phrase lines.
Ah, he even made grandmothers fall down. Is that because of acting ability? If that is the case, why on the earth do those countless women gett enchanted in group like that by his acting, leaving alone other genious actors with acting power?

BYJ's fans are ajumma(married women).
Mass com would connect word ajumma with him in cynical nuance.
He may possibly have relatively more ajumma fans than young woman fans.
If it is so, why is it?

Youth is period of disorderly dream & rebellion, and whirlwind & raging waves.
Unbalances clashe and shatter making discord, and at times desires destruction.
Youth is not a period when dream and reality are not clearly divided yet.
Because everything is open as possibility, they are not particularly thirsty for dream.
They are generation who themselves are dream. It is time to progress experiments.

Youth would not praise esthetics of balance and harmony.
(Balance and harmony....they get sleepy..)

However.., elder sisters in this era, who returned (home) and are standing in front of mirror* (Quote from famous poem)
saw through BYJ their dreams,
that they put aside, gave up, or forgot as they got hurt from reality
or just left alone halfheartedly.
They saw POSSIBILITY of an existence, who seems to stand at antipode from the world
which is dotted with competition, shouts reality supremacy,
and where material is almighty with evaporated spirit,
the existence tho is pure and clear, and spreading as fragrance of classical grace.
(Am I exaggerating too much? Haha)
They saw a certain suggestion that love, pure love, and more than anything,
spirit can be possible in present reality.
That is, the thing those women saw through him with fluttering heart was
their dream, their ideal world.

An ideal, when it becomes a word, is apt to become embarrassing and childish.
Such lines that were bound to be childish at glance,
in moments they are out going through his lips, approached me as pure beauty not comedy, with truthfulness and with pursuasive power.
His acting has attracting force, moved hearts in many people,
and had lingering sounds and ringing for a long time since then.

How was it possible?

it is because that in each and every moment of his gestures and expressions,
his inner self was drawn up and reflected all the time, isn't it?
It is because deep inner aspect of that man was reflected in his acting,
so that they became unseparably one, isn't it?
It is because that they sensed without knowledge his out side and inside, the balance of those two, and
beauty created from that balance, from his expression, gesture, and way of talking,
although they may not have yet realized themselves at that time, isn't it?

There contained depth & truthfulness to life in his expression,
and beauty of moderation & dignity in his gesture.
From expresion, gesture and talk at each and every moment, there comes out simple, not boisterous or exaggerated, inner fragrance, that is unique to BYJ.
From tiny expression & small gesture, and talks at each and every moment,
his deep well like inner self is drawn up and is reflected delicately, exquisitely, and minutesly.

Suppose that outer appearance of perfect beauty is put on a scale plate in one end of wooden bar of a balance,
his inner fragrance keeps balance by becoming a weight in the opposite end, It spreads from the point of contact where this inner aspect and out side meet...

BYJ's aura stems from here.

2. With what aspect of him, do general fans develope into hard core fans?

Even if a certain actor was an attractive character in film or drama,
that effective period is not generally that long.
Although we meet and get attracted throught works, thinking just 'uh that person was pretty good in that work'
we usually let that star go easily along with the work.

However, for BYJ there are many hard core fans whom he calls so-called family.
Why do family, as he calls, that is
fans who believes him unconditionally, happen?
Have fans unconditionally believed him from the beginnig after all?

In this world, who would believe others unconditionally? Even it is for a long period of time?

BYJ's hard core fans are
people who watched him and CONFIRMED while SEEING, SEEING, and SEEING AGAIN
invariable consistency from his talks and behavior.
That is right. We believe him because
we believe that he is trustworthy person.

As I have said, it is about 3 years for me to become full-scale fan.
From old (news) articles on him, I read tracing back this and that way during that period, to present,
there is surprising, and almost amazing invariable consistency in him.

He always tells fans not to worry about how he would lead his own life, and
tells that he would live hard. In the world, age in which dust of world settled on, a man reaching at the middle of 30,
says consistently I WILL LIVE WELL all the time.
He talks all the time in public in front of fans these words, WILL LIVE WELL,
which seem to be in morals textbook, meaning that he will live ideal life for others to see and for him to think himself,
It is to make sure to himself, isn't it?

He tells his own dream.
And, he showed fierce will and principle to accomplish that dream.

In his life, there are big picture, dream(for example, want to produce films, would like to creat Asia Current,
am greatly interested in environment, etc.) as he pursues and principle to accomplishing this dream.
One step slowerly, but not hurriedly, and he does not make unnecessary extra.(For selection of work, he avoid repeating and mass producing similar works. Thus we fans are in agony. We would like to see your face a little, without condition!!!)

In other words, he knows what he is doing and why he is doing that.
In footsteps he puts foword observing principles to accomplish his own dream, although he would not step forward with dazzling gestures, he has courage of not avoiding in necessary mements.(his remarks of Too big scars to forget, etc,, his attitude of accepting his own mistake in a press conference after an accident in front of hotel during his second official visit to Japan, development of Hallyu contents through Key East, and participation in current Hallyu Expo, etc,)

Bearing a big picture of purpose of his won life, that is dream,
and step by step process to accomplish that,
he shows amazing sense of balance of relentlessly objectifying himself, being distanced by one step.

Because of that his way of life also shows that of harmony and balance.
It is also a aspect of person BYJ, who cannot limit himself in acting alone,
although he can do better acting than any others if he is crazy about acting alone(as told by Kim Taewoo in GQ interview).

What is his appearance of meeting each and every moment for him who has a big picture for his own life?

He told that he lived thinking 'One chance One time'.
That one time would not come but that once time.
That is, (he will) do all hsi best at present moment he is meeting now.
In other word, he is saying conscious life, faithful to present at each moment.

That ordinarily sound talk is not a matter to be slighted at all when it comes to actual practice.
At least for my self, I am a person who strays easily and would like to live more comfortably being lazy whenever I have chance.
However, he never lets go a moment negligently
no matter it is in shooting site, fan autographing session, or in any kind of meeting with his fans.

Through consistently same modesty and meticulous & deeply thoughtful consideration, he MOVES his fans.
(Because of such tenseness, he himself had suffered from sleepless nights from neurosis.)

He would not do single phrase of talk or single behavior carelessly.
At least, he tries to be faithful to hwat he had said, and
even when there is error that is different from what he had intended, he never gives excuse.

He shows virtues, we in modern era are losing, by personifying with his own talks and behavior.
He know well the weight of his talk and behavior, and he always knows well what to say,
why he has to say, and how he has to do by himself.
And he push himself forward continuously like that.

Path of his life progresses toward ideal, dream, that he pursues.
That pursuit of ideal can be definitely read in his will to train his body to the extent to be too severe.
His never satisfying heart to improve his body
added detailedness and exquisiteness to his naturally born body shape in perfect ratio,
by imposing himself strict management of professional exercise and diet.

How can I say it.
When his beautiful body shape in golden section
corresponds to balanced design on general life of himself,
the small muscles in each part of his body that he acquired through exercise,
by exquisitely sculpturing himself by removing unnecessary extras,
may correspond to each and every mement he leads with deep thought and deep consideration.

From his body also, he pursued refined beauty removing unnecessary extras.
He pursues challenge against his own limits.

That attracting power, that magic formula, as shown by him in the drama 'WLS',
was made possible due to such beauty extending all aspects, wasn't it?

The more he plays the characters that maximize such beauty, the stronger that impact, and number of woman who indulged in him also become more. I wonder if the 'WLS' was the drama where he he showed by mzximizing his beauty he had 'in that particular time'.

When inquiring only by outer appearance, his beauty could have been more brilliant during more youthful period.  However, in BYJ as seen in my eyes, mature dim fragrance is getting impregnated more deeply in his face and each gesture as he gets ages.(Actually, I do not know him in his youthful period.)

BYJ is endlessly evolving even now. The 'Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi" is a drama
that is expected as a turning point to strongly expose evolving BYJ of present once again.
I have hig expectation in his charisma, powerful while queit, and mythology to be written a new by hin who became great king literally in both inner aspect and outside.

For current generation at the time, clinging to outer looks, where plastic surgeries are rampant and material is becoming idol.
BYJ suggests many points.
The point that true beauty is a lot for person who cultivates and trains inside of self.
Secret of beauty possessed by him lies on fierce will to overcome himself.
And the public will never miss such beauty at all.

Through him, I discover beauty of ideal that I roughly left behind and gave up in reality,
and that it is possible (to realize dream) in reality.

Thus, I do. While watching women who scream shouts of joy at BYJ,
I feel fortunate because I feel as if I hear voice in this era
that places hope in ideal and dream despite (reality).

I thank him for becoming dream.
And, I thank him for becoming hope that
life is still worth to live.

I told you what inn BYJ I become indulged in.
However, for hard core fans to continuously maintain fan life, there is still another factor.

It is because there are many fans to him who has tremendous passion, and are devoted, and wonderful.
As this story requires another piece of writing,

I will put off to next opportunity that I cannot promise.