文章來源: 網上無名2007-07-11 11:13:13

今天早上的 NPR 新聞,中國的出現頻率,在近幾年中,第一次多過了伊拉克。而且幾條報道,都挺有意思,不妨列它們一列。


鄭筱萸被行刑之後, 中國方麵稱,上萬家小型食品加工廠須盡快清理或關閉。質檢總局指出,目前中國四十五萬餘家食品加工廠當中,至少有一半的廠子沒有許可證或者沒有完全的經營許可,可能要在 2009 年之前關掉。去年中國已經關閉了十五萬家此類無證經營的食品廠。


中國官方稱有些美國食品不能接受,不夠衛生( unacceptable and unsanitary )。被拒收的貨品包括保健食品,運動飲料,開心果,葡萄幹。報道的總結是這樣的: The move comes after growing international concern and stepped up inspection of Chinese imports by the U.S.



"There's no big difference in taste. The smell is slightly different, but the feel of the truffles in the mouth is the same," Wu says.

Wu plans to cultivate truffles, a move bound to ruffle European purists even further. He concedes that Europe's truffle markets are threatened by Chinese products, but insists that European suppliers must learn to adapt.

"In the past they had a monopoly and now they are threatened, so they are trying to undermine our product. Black French truffles used to be a status symbol. Now they're cheaper and more people can afford them. That has to be a good thing," Wu says.



Critics call the practice cruel, and outside China an anti-foie gras movement is gaining momentum. Chicago banned the sale of foie gras last year, and the delicacy is set to be outlawed in California in five years. The European Union has set a 15-year grace period to phase out the practice.

但是中國的廠商完全不會認同: "It makes no difference whether you force-feed birds or kill them directly, the final result is the same," he says.   China has no regulations regarding force-feeding animals. In fact, the local government has a 10 percent stake in Jing's business, and he says he is not worried about the influence of animal rights' campaigners.

"Because they're opposing foie gras, their countries stop producing it. But the citizens of their countries still want to eat foie gras, so it can only mean my prospects are improving," Jing says.



經濟學家 Benn Steil 質疑大多數的國家貨幣,認為它們被各路政客所控製,早已失去其客觀性,對經濟的正常發展起著破壞作用。這條報道裏麵沒有直接提及中國,但是鑒於人民幣到底應該不應該升值的問題一直引起各方關注,我把它當作相關報道聽了一聽。


巨無霸,在英語國家叫 big mac ,在美國一個賣三塊多,在中國一個賣一塊半。我找到了一個最近的價格比較:


在過去二十年當中,“經濟學家”雜誌一直都在公布這樣的價格比較。由於巨無霸在 120 多個國家都有出售,所以它在一定程度上可以起到貨幣價值比較的作用。人民幣價值過低,而挪威的巨無霸賣到七塊多美刀,說明挪威的貨幣價值過高了?

好在巨無霸到目前為止還不是國際通用貨幣。 So the "burger standard" may be useful, but beef probably won't be the next global currency.

