試譯唐詩 登黃鶴樓
文章來源: 牛倌2009-10-02 12:07:10


Mounting the Stork Tower
Written by Wangzhihuan


The white sun sets behind mountains,
The Yellow River flows into the sea.
Go further up one flight of starirs,
And you\'ll widen your view a thousand li.

The bright sun will fall behind the hill,
Water of Yellow River towards sea Flow,
You wish keep them in sight still,
More higher mountains for goal .

Behind rolling mountains sets the radiant sun.
Waves from the Yellow River roar to the sea.
To have a panoramic view, and the fun,
You need to ascend a greater height for thee.

Let me try:

The shining sun sets at the mountain side,
The yellow river pours into the ocean tide.
To catch thousand miles in my sight,
One must step up to a new height.