Reading May Extend Lifespan
文章來源: 美語世界2016-08-09 17:21:08





FILE - Students are seen studying in a library on the campus of California State University in Long Beach, California, Oct. 19, 2012. After factoring in age, gender, education and economic status, researchers found that readers lived two years longer than non-readers.
FILE - Students are seen studying in a library on the campus of California State University in Long Beach, California, Oct. 19, 2012. After factoring in age, gender, education and economic status, researchers found that readers lived two years longer than non-readers.
(VOA News): Reading May Extend Lifespan 
(美國之音新聞): 閱讀可以延長壽命

That reading is good for your brain has been known for a long time, but a new study shows that picking up a book regularly could lengthen your life.


Writing in the journal Social Science and Medicine, researchers from Yale University said it doesn’t really matter what you read, as long as you read. The longer, the better.


Researchers reached their conclusions by looking at data from 3,635 health survey participants. They were broken down into three groups — those reading up to three-and-a-half hours per week, those who read more, and those who didn’t read at all.

研究人員 3,635 健康調查參與者數據得出結論研究人員把參與者分成 — — 一組每周閱讀三半個小時,有些讀得更多,有些根本沒有閱讀。

After factoring in age, gender, education and economic status, they found that readers lived two years longer than non-readers.

根據年齡 性別 教育經濟地位這些因素來看,結果發現,閱讀者比不閱讀的人要多活兩年。

Furthermore, they found that those who read up to 3.5 hours were 17 percent less likely to die over the next dozen years, with those reading longer than that were 23 percent less likely to die.

此外他們發現那些閱讀 3.5 小時,有 17%的可能性, 未來幾十更不死去,那些閱讀時間更長的,大約有23%的可能性, 未來幾十更不死去。